Second grader from Kensington wins state title in Doodle for Google contest

Second grader from Kensington wins state title in Doodle for Google contest

Sofia Ravilious, an 8-year-old second-grade student at Kensington Parkwood Elementary School, has been named the Maryland winner in the 16th annual Doodle for Google contest. Her artwork, titled “Nature will never end,” features a forest scene with colorful clay animals and trees spelling out “Google.” The theme of the contest was for students to answer the question “My wish for the next 25 years…” through their art. Sofia expressed her wish for more nature to support animal survival in her artistic description.

Sofia is now competing against 55 other young artists from across the country to become the national winner and have her doodle featured on for 24 hours. She emphasized the importance of voting for her doodle, as she dedicated a month of hard work to create it. Sofia’s concern for climate change and her desire for animals to have more forests to thrive in were evident in her artwork.

The Doodle for Google contest received submissions from students across the US, Puerto Rico, and US territories, with Sofia representing Maryland in the kindergarten through third grade category. Google’s doodle product marketing manager, Selly Sallah, commended the submissions, noting the unique visions for the future expressed by young artists. The themes ranged from safer communities and technological advancements to a cleaner planet and greater unity among people.

Sofia and the other state and territory winners received prizes from Google, including a Chromebook and a congratulatory celebration at her school. Her artwork is featured in the Doodle for Google Gallery, where the public can vote for their favorite until June 4. Sofia’s mother, Erin Pickar, expressed pride in her daughter’s achievement and highlighted Sofia’s passion for using clay in her artwork. Sofia’s love for nature and animals stemmed from her experiences exploring the outdoors and visiting the National Zoo in Washington, D.C.

The entire second grade at Kensington Parkwood Elementary School celebrated Sofia’s victory, with her principal reading a congratulatory letter from Google and displaying her artwork for all to admire. The national winner of the Doodle for Google contest will receive a $55,000 college scholarship and $50,000 in technology for their school or nonprofit, along with having their artwork featured on Google’s homepage. The voting process will determine the national winner and five finalists, who will each receive a $5,000 college scholarship, Google technology, and gifts.

The Doodle for Google contest aims to showcase the creativity and visions of young artists while addressing important themes for the future. Sofia’s dedication to depicting her wish for a world with more nature and opportunities for animals reflects her passion for conservation and environmental awareness. As the voting period continues, the nation eagerly anticipates the announcement of the national winner and finalists, who will receive recognition for their inspiring artwork.

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