Response from Partners as Nutanix Expands its Channel Following Broadcom-VMware Outage

Response from Partners as Nutanix Expands its Channel Following Broadcom-VMware Outage

At the recent .Next conference in Barcelona, businesses and partners expressed their trust in Nutanix’s flexible and profitable alternatives amid the disruption caused by Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware. Partners emphasized the importance of flexibility and the ability to provide customers with viable alternatives in the midst of uncertainty in the market. Nutanix’s solutions were highlighted as a reliable option for businesses looking to navigate through the changes brought about by the acquisition.

Partners at the conference expressed their concerns about the impact of Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware on their businesses. Many were looking for alternatives that could offer them the flexibility and stability they needed to continue to serve their customers effectively. Nutanix emerged as a trusted partner for these businesses, offering solutions that were both flexible and profitable.

Nutanix’s solutions were particularly well-received for their ability to adapt to the changing needs of businesses in the face of uncertainty in the market. Partners highlighted Nutanix’s offerings as a reliable choice for businesses looking to navigate through the disruptions caused by the acquisition. The company’s flexibility and commitment to providing viable alternatives were key factors in earning the trust of its partners.

As businesses continue to face challenges in the rapidly evolving market, the need for flexible and reliable solutions has become increasingly important. Partners at the .Next conference in Barcelona recognized Nutanix’s ability to meet these needs, citing the company’s solutions as a valuable asset in helping them navigate through the changes brought about by the acquisition of VMware by Broadcom. Nutanix’s commitment to providing profitable alternatives was a key factor in its strong presence at the conference.

Nutanix’s solutions were seen as a viable option for businesses looking to maintain their competitiveness in the market while also addressing the challenges posed by the acquisition. Partners highlighted the company’s flexibility and ability to adapt to the changing landscape as key advantages in choosing Nutanix as a partner. The company’s commitment to providing profitable alternatives further solidified its position as a trusted partner for businesses seeking stability in uncertain times.

Overall, partners at the .Next conference in Barcelona expressed their trust in Nutanix’s solutions as valuable assets in helping them navigate through the disruptions caused by the acquisition of VMware by Broadcom. The company’s flexibility, profitability, and commitment to providing viable alternatives were key factors in earning the trust of its partners. As businesses continue to face challenges in the market, Nutanix’s offerings stand out as a reliable choice for those looking to maintain their competitive edge and adapt to the changing landscape.

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