IBM and Kyndryl Face Another Age Discrimination Lawsuit

IBM and Kyndryl Face Another Age Discrimination Lawsuit

IBM and Kyndryl are currently facing legal action for alleged age discrimination by five top executives from both companies. The complaint accuses them of suspending roles for older employees while advertising for younger applicants. This comes after a series of similar accusations against both companies, with IBM facing problems since the 2010s. IBM has denied systemic age discrimination, arguing its workforce strategy is based on skills rather than age. The complaint claims that IBM used biased algorithms to lay off older workers, covered up its actions with coded language, and strategically targeted older employees for layoffs. IBM has not responded, but previously stated that a significant percentage of its American hires were over 40 years old. The timeline includes investigations by the EEOC, lawsuits in 2023 and 2024, and Kyndryl’s CCaaS offerings and partnerships in the CX space.

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