Exclusive Deal: Get the Intel Optane 905p 1.5tb SSD for just $299!

Exclusive Deal: Get the Intel Optane 905p 1.5tb SSD for just 9!

Intel’s Optane SSDs stand out for using 3DXPoint technology instead of traditional NAND for storage. These SSDs offer high endurance ratings and low latency, making them faster than even the latest PCI-e 4 and PCI-e 5 SSDs. However, the high price of Optane SSDs, such as the 905p model, initially deterred enthusiasts. When first released, the 1.5TB model sold for $2,199.99, making it more expensive than some of the fastest consumer GPUs on the market.

A performance comparison between the Intel Optane P5800X and 905p drives in Final Fantasy revealed the older Optane 905p outperforming NAND SSDs like Kingston’s Fury Renegade by 2.27 seconds. While the time saved might not be significant, the performance improvement of 46% over the Fury Renegade is notable. Despite the discontinuation of Optane production, prices for remaining units are decreasing steadily. NewEgg currently offers the 1.5TB Optane SSD for $299 with a promo code, still pricier than high-end NVMe SSDs but unmatched in terms of loading times compared to even the fastest PCI-e 5 SSDs.

The availability of the 1.5TB Intel 905p 3DXpoint SSD for $299 at NewEgg presents an opportunity for consumers to experience superior loading times. This deal, although still more costly than other NVMe SSDs, offers unmatched performance in the SSD market. Prices for Optane SSDs continue to drop as production ceases, making them a more viable option for users seeking top-tier performance.

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