Vietnam welcomes Cisco’s new digital acceleration programme

Vietnam welcomes Cisco’s new digital acceleration programme

Cisco recently announced the launch of the Country Digital Acceleration (CDA) program in Vietnam, which aims to collaborate with public and private companies to advance the country’s digitalization agenda. The program aligns with the government’s National Digital Transformation Program for 2025 and focuses on promoting economic growth, technological innovation, and cybersecurity resilience through improvements to the country’s communication and information infrastructure.

The launch event was hosted by key figures from Cisco, including Guy Diedrich, senior vice president and chief global innovation officer, Bee Kheng Tay, president of Cisco ASEAN, and Jason Kalai, interim leader of Cisco in Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Diedrich emphasized that the CDA program serves as a bridge connecting a country’s digital ambitions with the benefits of a digital society, with a focus on collaboration and trust between ecosystem partners in the public and private sectors.

The program in Vietnam is structured around three key pillars – digital transformation in national infrastructure, companies, and the public sector. It aims to develop 5G capabilities, equip companies with industry-leading technology, and work with the public sector to establish digital infrastructure for the government. Cisco also plans to upskill local talent through the Cisco Networking Academy to contribute to a more inclusive, sustainable, and resilient digital economy in Vietnam.

In addition to its initiatives in Vietnam, Cisco is committed to accelerating national digitalization agendas around the world through partnerships with governments at various levels. The company’s CDA programs have been successful in creating new jobs, promoting GDP growth, and fostering innovation ecosystems.

Furthermore, Vietnam is gearing up to measure the proportion of the digital economy’s added value to the country’s GDP starting in 2024. This shift reflects the increasing importance of the digital economy in the country’s overall economic landscape. On a different note, Shinhan Life Vietnam, a South Korean-backed insurer, recently completed a successful mentoring program for high school students in partnership with SIF Career.

Finally, Cisco has also unveiled an innovative AI cluster solution with NVIDIA for data centers, aimed at transforming the way customers build, manage, and optimize infrastructure and software. This development signifies Cisco’s commitment to pushing the boundaries of technology and providing cutting-edge solutions to address the evolving needs of the digital economy.

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