Veterans Affairs Extends Oracle’s Electronic Health Record Contract for an Additional Month

Veterans Affairs Extends Oracle’s Electronic Health Record Contract for an Additional Month

The Department of Veterans Affairs is currently in negotiations with Oracle Cerner to modernize its aging medical records system. This initiative began in 2018 with a five-year contract, but has faced various challenges such as technical breakdowns, accessibility issues, and patient safety concerns. Oracle acquired Cerner in 2022 and promised to address these issues, but the VA temporarily suspended further implementations of the software in April of last year. Only six VA medical facilities have implemented the new EHR system so far.

In May 2023, the VA renegotiated its contract with Oracle Cerner to include more performance metrics and change the contract from a five-year term to five one-year terms to improve oversight. The latest contract was set to expire on May 16, but was extended for a month to continue negotiations. The focus of the negotiations is on supporting the long-term success of the program for veterans and physicians.

Prominent House Republicans have emphasized the need for increased congressional oversight of the VA EHR modernization project and have introduced a legislative package aimed at improving performance at VA medical facilities. This package includes provisions for measuring performance, and calls for an end to the modernization program if improvements are not seen in two years.

Furthermore, a group of senators has called on the VA to include new performance standards in the contract with Oracle Cerner to protect veterans and taxpayers. Senators Jon Tester, Patty Murray, and Sherrod Brown have urged the VA to take advantage of the new contract structure to revise terms and add oversight provisions.

Tester, who chairs the Senate panel on Veterans Affairs, has been critical of Oracle Cerner’s management in implementing the new system. He has emphasized the importance of modernizing VA’s medical records system, stating that it is not optional.

Overall, the negotiations between the VA and Oracle Cerner continue as efforts are made to address the challenges and improve the implementation of the new EHR system in VA medical facilities. Increased oversight and accountability are being emphasized by lawmakers to ensure the success of the modernization project.

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