US Prototype Underwater Drone Spotted in Google Maps Satellite Image

US Prototype Underwater Drone Spotted in Google Maps Satellite Image

A mysterious futuristic ship has been spotted at a naval base in California, believed to be a prototype US military underwater drone named the Manta Ray. Built by Northrop Grumman, the unmanned underwater vehicle is described as the “first underwater glider of its kind” and has been recently tested in open water. Equipped with cutting-edge technology that allows it to operate for long periods of time and travel long distances at various depths, the Manta Ray can even anchor to the sea floor and hibernate until needed. While it’s unclear what the drone will be used for, it is speculated to be part of a future “maritime drone war” that America’s adversaries are also preparing for.

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) has been working on the Manta Ray since 2020, but has not commented on the recent Google image or tests off the coast of California. Northrop Grumman, known for being the prime contractor for the James Webb Space Telescope, has shared photos and videos of the Manta Ray in action, showcasing its ability to travel long distances at high speeds and be easily transported to different locations. In contrast, Russia claims to have a nuclear-armed UUV prototype, though some doubt the validity of this claim. China is also reportedly mass producing unmanned drones to create a defensive barrier in the South China Sea.

The United States is not far behind in technological advancements, with a second Manta Ray prototype in development that is said to harvest energy from the sea or the Sun, potentially enabling infinite autonomous travel. This development signifies a new era of underwater warfare, with countries racing to equip themselves with the latest drone technology. The presence of the Manta Ray at the naval base in California serves as a visual reminder of the future of military technology and the possibilities it unlocks for both defense and offense. It also raises questions about the implications of such advanced underwater drones on global security and the potential for escalating tensions between nations vying for dominance in the maritime domain.

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