Unlocking the Potential of Mainframe Modernization: Insights from Capgemini & IBM Webinar

Unlocking the Potential of Mainframe Modernization: Insights from Capgemini & IBM Webinar

The recent webinar on mainframe modernization emphasized the importance of taking a balanced approach towards this process. Experts highlighted the need to identify appropriate workloads for each environment, rather than opting for a complete migration to the cloud or sticking with mainframes.

Pete, one of the experts, pointed out that mainframe applications currently handle 70% of the world’s transactions, showcasing the continued relevance of this technology after 60 years. He attributed this to IBM’s ongoing investments in keeping mainframes cutting-edge, as well as the substantial investments made by organizations in these applications over decades.

A key topic of discussion during the webinar was the integration of AI, particularly generative AI, into mainframe operations. Experts discussed how tools like IBM’s Watsonx Code Assistant for Z are enhancing developer productivity, with some clients reporting significant increases in throughput and reductions in application insight time.

Nitin, another expert, noted that 80% of financial services clients are still using mainframes, with 45 of the top 50 banks and nine of the largest insurance organizations globally relying on this technology. Mainframes have been crucial for these industries since the 1970s and 1980s, powering critical applications that continue to run businesses today. Mainframes remain reliable, secure, and integral to the business strategies of many organizations, with a significant portion of the world’s transaction data and credit card transactions still processed on mainframes.

For those who missed the webinar, an on-demand recording is available for viewing and sharing. To watch the webinar and access further information, visit the provided link.

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