Unlocking Email End-to-End Encryption with Format Oracles at USENIX Security ’23

Unlocking Email End-to-End Encryption with Format Oracles at USENIX Security ’23

The content discusses highlights from the USENIX ’23 Security Presenter event featuring authors and presenters Fabian Ising, Damian Poddebniak, Tobias Kappert, Christoph Saatjohann, and Sebastian Schinzel. The event was held at the Anaheim Marriott and the content can be accessed through USENIX’s Youtube channel. The focus of the event was on security topics such as multipart oracle and tapping into format oracles in email end-to-end encryption.

The event was made possible by USENIX’s commitment to Open Access, allowing for the dissemination of important information related to cybersecurity. The content shared in the event is now available through USENIX and Youtube for a wider audience to access and learn from.

The Security Bloggers Network syndicated blog, Infosecurity.US, written by Marc Handelman, provides a summary of the event and directs readers to the original content on Youtube. The blog emphasizes the importance of staying informed about cybersecurity topics and encourages readers to engage with the content shared at the USENIX ’23 Security Presenter event.

Overall, the event served as a platform for experts in the field of cybersecurity to share their knowledge and insights on various topics, including email encryption and security vulnerabilities. The availability of the content through online channels like Youtube ensures that a broader audience can benefit from the information shared at the event.

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