The philosophy of ‘radical optimism’ behind the creation of Google Glass

The philosophy of ‘radical optimism’ behind the creation of Google Glass

The human brain is wired to notice mistakes and negative outcomes first, a survival mechanism that has helped us throughout history. This negativity bias affects our daily decisions, from choosing a product based on negative reviews to avoiding eye contact with strangers. Optimists, on the other hand, focus on positive outcomes and are more likely to take action to make those outcomes a reality. Radical optimism takes this a step further, believing in the potential for something better and constantly striving for improvement. This mindset has been key to innovation in various fields, as seen in the example of Google Glass. While humans tend to settle for “good enough,” radical optimists aim for continuous progress and immediate opportunities for success. This approach can lead to transformation on personal and global scales, encouraging individuals to create a better future for themselves and society as a whole.

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