The IBM Institute for Business Value Takes Top Spot as Leading Thought Leadership Producer

The IBM Institute for Business Value Takes Top Spot as Leading Thought Leadership Producer

The IBM Institute for Business Value has been recognized as the top producer of thought leadership by Source Global Research among consulting and technology firms, based on a quality assessment methodology. IBM excels in differentiation, appeal, resilience, and inciting action, leading in attractiveness and motivating action. The institute’s reports, such as “Seven bets: it’s time to bet on the future,” showcase engaging and informative content that stands out in both scale and depth.

IBM’s reports “Make quantum readiness a reality,” “Modernize the reporting registry,” and “Women in leadership” are top performers, featuring robust data visualizations, actionable recommendations, and expertise in their respective fields. Thought leadership is essential for executives navigating unfamiliar territory, providing evidence-based perspectives and insights to support smarter business decisions. Nearly all executives who consume thought leadership report making better decisions and taking action as a result.

Thought leadership goes beyond traditional content, offering unique insights backed by credible research and providing actionable solutions to business challenges. The Global Thought Leadership Institute (GTLI) aims to standardize the practice of producing high-quality thought leadership, with IBM as a founding organizer. The GTLI will develop metrics to measure the value of thought leadership and create a certification framework for the industry.

Congratulations to the IBM Institute for Business Value team for their achievements in thought leadership and their contribution to advancing the field through the GTLI initiative.

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