TCP/IP and the Future of Internetworking: Trends to Watch

TCP/IP is the backbone of the internet. It is a set of communication protocols used to work with various and different forms of communication devices such as computers, phones, and other connected devices. It enables data to be transmitted across the vast network of computers on the internet. The internet has never stopped growing ever since TCP/IP was introduced in the 1980s. With the expected increase of connected devices in the future, it’s important to stay informed about the emerging trends in TCP/IP protocols and the future of internetworking.

The first trend to watch is the evolution of IPv6. IPv6 is the latest internet protocol used for communicating on the internet. It presents many advantages, including an increased capacity for the number of unique addresses available, and improved data security. IPv6 eliminates the need to reuse existing IP addresses and ensures a more stable, more efficient network. Although its adoption has been slow, it’s expected to increase rapidly in the coming years.

The second upcoming trend is the expansion of IoT. The Internet of Things (IoT) is creating an enormous number of Internet-enabled devices such as smart appliances, thermostats, and wearables which require constant internet connectivity. They are designed to last for many years, consume little energy, and all of them require unique IP addresses. IoT device numbers are expected to grow to tens of billions by 2020, requiring IPv6 protocol.

Thirdly, edge computing is on the rise. Edge computing is all about extending the computing capabilities to the edge of the network. By bringing processing and storage capabilities much closer to the edge of the network rather than centralized servers, reactions become faster, and bandwidth usage can be reduced. This approach can considerably decrease the delays that may happen in the cloud, making it an exciting development in the internet networking world.

Fourthly, security is increasingly critical. Cybersecurity threats are one of the main concerns among Internet users today. Secured communication protocols are being designed and implemented to ensure that messages can’t be intercepted and read by unauthorized users. The commitment to securing the internet includes constant updates to the TCP/IP protocol stack and other protocols daily.

Finally, the use of machine learning in TCP/IP is an emerging trend. Machine learning is being used to track IP address traffic patterns to determine the possible vulnerabilities associated with specific internet devices. The network controllers need to collaborate and coordinate with software-defined networking to offer better traffic insights that further increase network visibility.

TCP/IP has been the essential backbone of the internet for its entire existence.Expectedly, the rise of 5G network will lead to the development of TCP/IP protocols designed for faster connectivity and a better user experience. While the future of the internetworking world remains unpredictable, TCP/IP remains crucial to the development of network capabilities to ensure seamless connectivity for billions of devices.

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