Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tag: transformer

AI trailblazer Illia Polosukhin, part of Google’s ‘Transformer 8,’ aims to make artificial intelligence accessible to everyone

Illia Polosukhin, a key figure in the development of transformer technology, co-wrote the groundbreaking 2017 article "Attention is all you need" with...

AI trailblazer Illia Polosukhin, a member of Google’s ‘Transformer 8,’ aims to make artificial intelligence accessible to all

Illia Polosukhin, a former Google employee, is considered one of the founding fathers of modern AI for his work on the transformer...

Microsoft has developed the world’s largest Transformer language model through training efforts.

Microsoft AI & Research has created the largest Transformer-based language generation model named Turing NLG, with 17 billion parameters, surpassing Nvidia Megatron and...

GigaPath: A Comprehensive Vision Transformer for Digital Pathology whole-slide imaging

Digital pathology is an innovative field at the intersection of digital transformation in biomedicine and generative AI technology. Whole-slide imaging, which converts microscope slides...

