Sunday, September 22, 2024

Tag: RAG

Updates to Amazon Bedrock: Incorporating Contextual Grounding and RAG connectors

Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently updated its Generative AI development service with new features to help businesses create applications more easily. These updates...

AWS introduces innovative RAG evaluation method to cut down enterprise AI expenses

The new AWS theory proposes an automated RAG evaluation mechanism to enhance the development of AI-based generative applications and reduce IT infrastructure costs...

Selecting the Right CPUs for Optimal Deployment of Generative AI Applications: Transitioning from Inference to RAG – Oracle

Generative AI applications have become increasingly popular in recent years, with demands for more efficient implementations rising. One key factor in achieving...

Transforming Healthcare with AI: Creating a Cutting-Edge Chatbot with Mixtral, Oracle 23AI, RAG, LangChain, and More – Oracle

The healthcare industry is undergoing a significant transformation with the help of artificial intelligence technologies. One of the groundbreaking developments in this...

Create RAG and agent-based generative AI apps using the latest Amazon Titan Text Premier model on Amazon Bedrock | AWS

Amazon presenta un nuevo modelo de lenguaje grande (LLM) llamado Amazon Titan Text Premier dentro de su familia de modelos Titan Amazon. Este...

Discovering the Use of RAG Applications in Different Languages through a Discussion of the Mishnah

Construyendo una aplicación RAG multilingüe para interactuar con textos rabínicos En este artículo, se detalla el proceso de creación de una aplicación de generación...

