Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tag: Incorporating

Updates to Amazon Bedrock: Incorporating Contextual Grounding and RAG connectors

Amazon Web Services (AWS) recently updated its Generative AI development service with new features to help businesses create applications more easily. These updates...

AWS is incorporating AI technology for security purposes

At the recent re:Inforce conference in Philadelphia, Amazon Web Services (AWS) emphasized the importance of improving cloud security in the midst of rapid...

Incorporating Amazon Bedrock into Your .NET Applications | Amazon Web Services

Recent advances in generative artificial intelligence (generative AI) have made it easier and more affordable to build apps and experiences that improve the...

Oracle Hospitality Executive Discusses Incorporating AI in Every Release

Oracle Hospitality is focused on integrating artificial intelligence into its hotel technology products, with a strong roadmap ahead to implement new advancements....

Incorporating Environmental Intelligence to Enhance Climate Resilience

IBM has launched a new platform called IBM Ambient Intelligence, aimed at providing organizations with access to environmental data sets to help them make...

The benefits of incorporating internetworking devices into your network strategy

In today's digital age, businesses rely heavily on internet connectivity to function efficiently. Internetworking devices, also known as network infrastructure devices, play a crucial...

