Saturday, September 21, 2024

Tag: extensions

Millions of Users Running Malware-Infected Extensions Discovered in Google Chrome Web Store, Say Security Experts

Millions of users are unknowingly running a compromised version of the Chrome web browser due to installing extensions from the Google Chrome...

Study Reveals that 280 Million Google Chrome Users Have Installed Harmful Extensions

Two differing reports have been released regarding the security of Google Chrome browser extensions. Google claims that less than 1% of all...

Study suggests Google is downplaying the risk of malicious extensions from Chrome store

This week, Google stated that its research on Chrome extensions has detected the most malicious code but also acknowledged the risks associated...

Leveraging the circuit-breaker pattern in AWS Lambda extensions and Amazon DynamoDB on Amazon Web Services

Alan Oberto Jiménez and Tobias Drees discuss the importance of the circuit breaker pattern in modern software systems that rely on remote calls...

