Subnetting Made Easy: A Comprehensive Guide for Networking Professionals

Subnetting is a fundamental concept in computer networking. It enables a network administrator to divide an IP address range into smaller sections, which can improve network efficiency, security, and performance. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide for networking professionals on how to subnet effectively.

Subnetting Explained

Before diving into subnetting, it’s worth understanding what an IP address is. An IP address is a unique identifier assigned to each device connected to a network. It consists of two parts: network and host portions. The network portion identifies the network to which the device is connected, while the host portion identifies the device within the network.

Subnetting means dividing the IP address range into smaller networks by borrowing bits from the host portion to create additional subnets. This process allows network administrators to better manage their networks and allocate IP addresses in a more efficient way.

Subnetting Basics

The subnet mask plays a crucial role in determining the number of subnets and host addresses available in each subnet. The subnet mask is a binary value that provides information about how the IP address range is divided into network and host portions.

For example, a subnet mask of means that the first three octets of the IP address represent the network portion, while the last octet represents the host portion. In this case, the network can support up to 254 hosts, with the first IP address reserved for the network ID and the last IP address reserved for broadcast.

The subnet mask can be changed to create smaller subnets or accommodate larger networks by borrowing bits from the host portion. For instance, if we borrow one bit from the host portion, we can create two subnets by setting the subnet mask to This change requires that the fourth octet has only 7 bits remaining for host addressing, yielding a total of 126 assignable IPs in each subnet.

Practical Subnetting Examples

Suppose we have a network with the IP address range, which means that the first three octets represent the network portion, and the last octet represents the host portion. By default, this network supports up to 254 hosts, and the subnet mask is

If we want to divide this network into smaller subnets, we can borrow bits from the host portion. Let’s say we want to create four subnets. To accomplish this, we will need to borrow two bits from the fourth octet, which creates four possible combinations – each combination representing a different subnet.

The new subnet mask after borrowing two bits would be, which means that the first three octets still represent the network portion, and the remaining bits create four possible subnet IDs.

Therefore, the four subnets would be:

The slash notation indicates that we have borrowed 2 bits, creating a 64-bit subnet mask. Each subnet can accommodate up to 62 hosts and requires a unique network ID and broadcast address.


Subnetting is a crucial concept in computer networking, and it enables network administrators to manage their networks more efficiently. By dividing the IP address range into smaller subnets, they can allocate addresses more effectively, improve network performance, and enhance security. With the help of this comprehensive guide, you can start subnetting like a pro.

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