Study Shows That Google Locates Local Ranking Signals in Menu Items and the Popularity of Businesses

Study Shows That Google Locates Local Ranking Signals in Menu Items and the Popularity of Businesses

A recent report by Claudia Tomina suggests that Google is now taking into account menu items in Google Business Profiles and the busyness of establishments during popular hours as local ranking factors and signals. The report provides examples of how businesses can improve their rankings on Google by adding menu items such as “Caesar salad” to their profiles, allowing them to rank higher in relevant searches.

Tomina’s research shows a correlation between the inclusion of menu items and improved rankings, as seen in the example of a local restaurant that jumped from 71st place to 1st place for the search term “[best caesar salad near me]” after adding the item to their menu.

Additionally, establishments that are busier during Google’s popular hours are more likely to rank better than less-busy businesses. Tomina’s data indicates that companies that experience high activity levels at specific times outperform their competitors in terms of local rankings.

By incorporating menu items and optimizing for popular times, businesses can potentially see an increase in online visibility and foot traffic. This strategy not only impacts local rankings on Google but can also improve overall performance and engagement during peak hours.

For those involved in local SEO or managing a local business, implementing these strategies could lead to improved rankings on Google. Adding detailed menu items to Google Business Profiles and optimizing for popular times may result in increased visibility, online orders, and foot traffic. By capitalizing on these local ranking factors and signals, businesses can enhance their digital presence and attract more customers.

Overall, the findings of this report demonstrate the importance of optimizing Google Business Profiles with relevant menu items and strategically leveraging busy hours to improve local rankings. Businesses that proactively engage with these factors may see significant benefits in terms of online visibility, customer engagement, and competitive edge in local search results.

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