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Study Shows that 99% of VMware Users Are Worried About Broadcom – Channel Futures

A recent report by Channel Futures revealed that nearly all VMware users are feeling uneasy about the Broadcom acquisition. The study found that 99% of VMware users were “concerned” about the potential impact of Broadcom’s acquisition of the company. This acquisition has raised fears among users about the future of VMware and the changes that may come with it. Many users are worried about how the acquisition will affect their current contracts, pricing, and support.

The report highlights the uncertainty and anxiety felt by VMware users since the announcement of the acquisition. Users are unsure about what this merger will mean for the future of VMware and how it will affect their businesses. Many users rely on VMware for their IT infrastructure and are worried about the potential disruptions that may come with the acquisition.

One of the main concerns among users is the impact on pricing and support. Many fear that Broadcom’s acquisition of VMware could lead to price increases and changes in support options. Users are worried about how these changes may affect their budgets and operations. They are also concerned about the level of support they will receive after the acquisition.

Another major concern among users is the potential changes to contracts and licensing agreements. Users are unsure about how the acquisition will affect their existing contracts with VMware and what changes may be made to their licensing agreements. Many users are worried about potential restrictions or changes that may come with the acquisition.

Overall, the report highlights the high level of anxiety and uncertainty felt by VMware users about the Broadcom acquisition. Users are concerned about the potential impact on pricing, support, contracts, and licensing agreements. Many are unsure about what the future holds for VMware and how the acquisition will affect their businesses.

In response to these concerns, VMware has stated that they are committed to providing a seamless transition for users and ensuring minimal disruption to their operations. The company has assured users that they will continue to support their products and services as they have in the past. VMware is working closely with Broadcom to ensure that users’ needs are met during the transition period.

Despite VMware’s reassurances, users remain wary about the potential impact of the Broadcom acquisition. Many are still feeling anxious about what the future holds for VMware and how the acquisition will affect their businesses. Users are hopeful that VMware will continue to prioritize their needs and provide the support and services they rely on.

Overall, the report highlights the concerns and anxieties felt by VMware users about the Broadcom acquisition. Users are worried about the potential impact on pricing, support, contracts, and licensing agreements. Despite VMware’s reassurances, users remain cautious about the future and how the acquisition will affect their businesses.

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