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Rubrik Boosts Cyber Recovery and Incident Response for Nutanix AHV | RBRK Stock News

Rubrik Boosts Cyber Recovery and Incident Response for Nutanix AHV | RBRK Stock News
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Rubrik (NYSE: RBRK) has announced that its Cyber Recovery capabilities are now available for Nutanix AHV, a virtualization platform for VMs and containers. This expansion allows Nutanix AHV users to test and validate recovery plans in clean rooms and expedite forensic investigations, enhancing cyber resilience after cyberattacks.

Key benefits include:

  • Testing cyber recovery readiness in clean rooms
  • Orchestrating rapid recovery to production
  • Expediting forensic investigations

The integration addresses the need for a ‘defense in depth’ strategy, complementing Nutanix’s native security features. Rubrik’s solution helps identify clean snapshots using data threat analytics, reducing time to restore business operations and conduct forensic analyses.

Rubrik (NYSE: RBRK) ha annunciato che le sue capacità di Cyber Recovery sono ora disponibili per Nutanix AHV, una piattaforma di virtualizzazione per VM e container. Questa espansione consente agli utenti di Nutanix AHV di testare e convalidare i piani di recupero in ambienti controllati e di accelerare le indagini forensi, migliorando la resilienza informatica dopo attacchi informatici.

I principali benefici includono:

  • Verifica della prontezza al recupero informatico in ambienti controllati
  • Orchestrazione di un rapido ripristino in produzione
  • Accelerazione delle indagini forensi

L’integrazione affronta la necessità di una strategia di ‘difesa a strati’, integrandosi con le funzionalità di sicurezza native di Nutanix. La soluzione di Rubrik aiuta a identificare snapshot puliti utilizzando analisi delle minacce ai dati, riducendo il tempo necessario per ripristinare le operazioni aziendali e condurre analisi forensi.

Rubrik (NYSE: RBRK) ha anunciado que sus capacidades de recuperación cibernética ahora están disponibles para Nutanix AHV, una plataforma de virtualización para máquinas virtuales y contenedores. Esta expansión permite a los usuarios de Nutanix AHV probar y validar planes de recuperación en salas limpias y acelerar investigaciones forenses, mejorando la resiliencia cibernética después de ciberataques.

Los beneficios clave incluyen:

  • Pruebas de preparación para la recuperación cibernética en salas limpias
  • Orquestar una recuperación rápida a producción
  • Acortar las investigaciones forenses

La integración aborda la necesidad de una estrategia de ‘defensa en profundidad’, complementando las características de seguridad nativas de Nutanix. La solución de Rubrik ayuda a identificar instantáneas limpias utilizando análisis de amenazas a los datos, reduciendo el tiempo para restaurar las operaciones comerciales y realizar análisis forenses.

Rubrik (NYSE: RBRK)는 사이버 복구 기능이 이제 Nutanix AHV에 제공된다고 발표했습니다, VM 및 컨테이너를 위한 가상화 플랫폼입니다. 이 확장을 통해 Nutanix AHV 사용자들은 청정실에서 복구 계획을 테스트하고 검증할 수 있게 되며 법의학 조사를 가속화해 사이버 공격 이후 사이버 복원력을 향상시킬 수 있습니다.

주요 이점은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 청정실에서 사이버 복구 준비 상태 테스트
  • 생산으로 신속한 복구 조정
  • 법의학 조사 가속화

통합은 Nutanix의 기본 보안 기능을 보완하며, ‘심층 방어’ 전략의 필요성을 해결합니다. Rubrik의 솔루션은 데이터 위협 분석을 사용하여 청정 스냅샷을 식별하는 데 도움을 주어, 비즈니스 운영을 복원하고 법의학 분석을 수행하는 데 걸리는 시간을 줄입니다.

Rubrik (NYSE: RBRK) a annoncé que ses capacités de récupération Cyber sont désormais disponibles pour Nutanix AHV, une plateforme de virtualisation pour VMs et conteneurs. Cette expansion permet aux utilisateurs de Nutanix AHV de tester et valider des plans de récupération dans des salles blanches et d’accélérer des investigations forensiques, améliorant ainsi la résilience cybernétique après des cyberattaques.

Les principaux avantages incluent :

  • Tester la préparation à la récupération cyber dans des salles blanches
  • Orchestrer une récupération rapide vers la production
  • Accélérer les enquêtes forensiques

L’intégration répond à la nécessité d’une stratégie de ‘défense en profondeur’, complétant les fonctionnalités de sécurité natives de Nutanix. La solution de Rubrik aide à identifier des snapshots propres grâce à l’analyse des menaces de données, réduisant le temps nécessaire pour restaurer les opérations commerciales et effectuer des analyses forensiques.

Rubrik (NYSE: RBRK) hat angekündigt, dass ihre Cyber Recovery-Funktionen jetzt für Nutanix AHV verfügbar sind, eine Virtualisierungsplattform für VMs und Container. Diese Erweiterung ermöglicht es Nutanix AHV-Nutzern, Wiederherstellungspläne in sauberen Räumen zu testen und zu validieren und forensische Untersuchungen zu beschleunigen, wodurch die Cyber-Resilienz nach Cyberangriffen verbessert wird.

Wichtige Vorteile sind:

  • Testen der Bereitschaft zur Cyber-Wiederherstellung in sauberen Räumen
  • Orchestrierung einer schnellen Wiederherstellung auf Produktion
  • Beschleunigung forensischer Untersuchungen

Die Integration adressiert die Notwendigkeit einer ‘verteidigungstiefen’ Strategie und ergänzt die nativen Sicherheitsfunktionen von Nutanix. Die Lösung von Rubrik hilft, saubere Snapshots mit Datenbedrohungsanalysen zu identifizieren und reduziert die Wiederherstellungszeit für Geschäftsoperationen sowie die Durchführung forensischer Analysen.


  • Expansion of Rubrik Cyber Recovery capabilities to Nutanix AHV platform

  • Enhanced cyber resilience for Nutanix AHV users

  • Automated recovery validation and testing features

  • Reduced time for business operations restoration and forensic analyses


Rubrik’s extension of Cyber Recovery capabilities to Nutanix AHV is a significant development in the data security landscape. This integration addresses a critical need in virtualized environments, which house 83% of organizations’ encrypted data. The partnership enhances cyber resilience by enabling:

  • Automated recovery validation and testing in clean rooms
  • Rapid identification of clean snapshots using threat analytics
  • Expedited forensic investigations with out-of-band management

These features are particularly valuable given the increasing complexity of cyber threats. However, the real-world effectiveness and adoption rate among Nutanix users remain to be seen. The impact on Rubrik’s market position and potential revenue growth from this expansion will be important to monitor.

This collaboration between Rubrik and Nutanix represents a strategic move in the cybersecurity sector. It addresses the growing need for robust recovery mechanisms in virtualized environments, which are prime targets for cyberattacks. The key advantages include:

  • Proactive testing and validation of recovery plans
  • Reduced time to restore business operations post-attack
  • Enhanced forensic capabilities for threat analysis

However, it’s important to note that while this solution strengthens the ‘defense in depth’ strategy, it doesn’t eliminate the need for comprehensive security measures. Organizations must still focus on prevention and detection alongside these recovery capabilities. The success of this offering will largely depend on its seamless integration with existing Nutanix environments and its ability to demonstrate tangible improvements in recovery times and forensic efficiency.

From a financial perspective, Rubrik’s expansion into the Nutanix AHV ecosystem presents a promising opportunity for growth. Key financial implications include:

  • Potential increase in Rubrik’s total addressable market
  • Enhanced competitive positioning in the virtualization security space
  • Possible boost in recurring revenue from subscription-based services

However, investors should consider the following factors:

  • Implementation costs and potential impact on margins
  • Adoption rate among Nutanix users and its effect on revenue growth
  • Competitive response from other security vendors

While the partnership appears strategically sound, its financial impact will depend on Rubrik’s ability to capitalize on this expanded market and convert technical advantages into tangible financial results. Investors should monitor upcoming quarterly reports for indicators of success in this new market segment.

  • The newest workload expands Rubrik’s data security capabilities within the evolving hypervisor market
  • Extends rapid recovery to clean rooms for proactive testing, recovery plan validation, and forensic investigations

Rubrik (NYSE: RBRK), the Zero Trust Data Security™ Company, today announces its Rubrik Cyber Recovery capabilities are now available for Nutanix AHV, a modern and secure virtualization platform that powers both virtual machines (VMs) and containers on-premises and in public clouds. With Rubrik Cyber Recovery, Nutanix AHV users can now confidently test and validate their recovery plans in clean rooms and expedite their forensic investigations, helping to provide cyber resilience following a cyberattack.

According to the most recent Rubrik Zero Labs report, 83% of all organizations’ encrypted data observed by Rubrik is within a virtualized architecture, such as Nutanix. While the Nutanix platform is inherently secure — with native features such as automated threat and anomaly detection, role-based access control, lifecycle management, and microsegmentation — a “defense in depth” strategy with multiple layers of security provides holistic protection. Rubrik Cyber Recovery addresses this need by enabling administrators to plan, test, and validate cyber recovery plans regularly and recover quickly in the event of a cyberattack.

“As both the hypervisor and cybersecurity markets continue to rapidly evolve, organizations are seeking the most secure and intelligent virtualization solutions to store their critical business data and mitigate risk in the face of cyberattacks and unexpected downtime,” said Lee Caswell, senior vice president of product and solutions marketing at Nutanix. “As a distributed system designed for the hybrid cloud, Nutanix AHV is engineered for unrivaled ease of use with fully integrated security. Rubrik Cyber Recovery provides that extra layer of cyber preparedness, and together, we help organizations take on their most complex enterprise IT challenges.”

Key Benefits of Rubrik Cyber Recovery for Nutanix AHV:

  • Test cyber recovery readiness in clean rooms: Create pre-defined recovery plans and automate recovery validation and testing, ensuring recovery takes place in the desired order, contains necessary dependencies and prerequisites, and performs desired network changes.
  • Orchestrate rapid recovery to production: Easily identify clean point-in-time snapshots using Rubrik data threat analytics, drastically reducing the time required to restore business operations.
  • Expedite forensic investigations: Get visibility into suspicious activity using Rubrik data threat analytics, drastically reducing the time required to identify the best recovery point for forensics, and leverage out-of-band management to rapidly instantiate data and systems into clean rooms with ease.

“Identifying the right snapshot for cyber recovery has historically been a cumbersome and manual process. As a result, cyber recovery testing is rarely done, if at all — which can lead to a world of stress during a cyberattack,” said Anneka Gupta, chief product officer at Rubrik. “Rubrik Cyber Recovery removes the headache by providing threat analytics that pinpoint suitable recovery points and clones the data to a secure, isolated environment. By extending this capability to Nutanix AHV users, Rubrik delivers even more protection to data in virtualized environments to help organizations quickly restore their critical business operations.”

To learn more about Rubrik Cyber Recovery for Nutanix AHV visit our webpage, and register for our joint live event on Thursday, 9/26.

About Rubrik

Rubrik (NYSE: RBRK) is on a mission to secure the world’s data. With Zero Trust Data Security™, we help organizations achieve business resilience against cyberattacks, malicious insiders, and operational disruptions. Rubrik Security Cloud, powered by machine learning, secures data across enterprise, cloud, and SaaS applications. We help organizations uphold data integrity, deliver data availability that withstands adverse conditions, continuously monitor data risks and threats, and restore businesses with their data when infrastructure is attacked.

For more information please visit and follow @rubrikInc on X (formerly Twitter) and Rubrik on LinkedIn.

Meghan Fintland

Head of Global PR, Rubrik


Source: Rubrik


What new capabilities has Rubrik (RBRK) announced for Nutanix AHV?

Rubrik has announced that its Cyber Recovery capabilities are now available for Nutanix AHV, allowing users to test and validate recovery plans in clean rooms and expedite forensic investigations.

How does Rubrik Cyber Recovery benefit Nutanix AHV users?

Rubrik Cyber Recovery enables Nutanix AHV users to test cyber recovery readiness in clean rooms, orchestrate rapid recovery to production, and expedite forensic investigations, enhancing overall cyber resilience.

What specific features does Rubrik Cyber Recovery offer for Nutanix AHV?

Rubrik Cyber Recovery for Nutanix AHV offers automated recovery validation and testing, rapid identification of clean snapshots using data threat analytics, and out-of-band management for quick data and system instantiation in clean rooms.

Why is Rubrik (RBRK) expanding its Cyber Recovery capabilities to Nutanix AHV?

Rubrik is expanding to Nutanix AHV because 83% of all organizations’ encrypted data observed by Rubrik is within virtualized architectures like Nutanix, addressing the need for enhanced security in these environments.

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