Region’s HPE health unit records four fatalities from COVID-19


Health officials from Hastings Prince Edward Public Health have reported an increase in high-risk COVID-19 cases in the region, with 64 new cases being recorded. Additionally, there are now 84 active high-risk cases, up from the previous count of 82. The region has also seen four new deaths attributed to the virus, bringing the total number of COVID-19 related deaths to 140 since the beginning of the pandemic.

Furthermore, the average hospitalization rate for COVID-19 in regional hospitals is 16 people, with two patients currently in the Intensive Care Unit. There have also been four outbreaks in high-risk settings within the community.

On the vaccination front, the health unit reported that 81 percent of local residents have received their first dose of the vaccine, while another 16 percent have been fully vaccinated within the last six months.

In a nationwide context, Canada has recorded a total of 4.83 million COVID-19 cases since the start of the pandemic, with an increase of 10,793 cases reported in the past week. Nationally, there have been 56,291 deaths linked to COVID-19, with 117 new deaths reported in the most recent data. Across the country, there were 42,135 weekly tests conducted with a positivity rate of 19.3 percent.

Overall, the situation regarding COVID-19 in Hastings Prince Edward and Canada continues to evolve, with efforts being made to combat the spread of the virus through vaccination and other public health measures.

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