Promoting Inclusion, One Coffee Shop at a Time

Promoting Inclusion, One Coffee Shop at a Time

Last year, I had the opportunity to attend the opening of Bitty & Beau Cafe in Boulder, Colorado. This coffee shop stands out because of its dedication to hiring individuals with disabilities. As a father of twin daughters who are involved in the disability community in Boulder, the experience was deeply impactful for me. My daughters were exploring job opportunities at Bitty & Beau’s, which led me to meet the founders, Amy and Ben Wright. The Wrights started their mission in 2016 to provide employment opportunities for people with disabilities. Today, they have expanded to 17 locations and employ over 400 individuals.

During the grand opening, Ben Wright encouraged everyone to visit the stores, interact with the employees, and consider hiring at least one person with a disability. Franchise owners Julia and Jeff Fetzer brought this vision to life in Boulder, introducing each new employee with pride and emphasizing the importance of giving everyone a chance to succeed. Witnessing this event with my daughters made me reflect on their future and the challenges faced by the disabled and neurodivergent community.

Driven by a desire to create a more inclusive world for our children, I am grateful to work for a company like Cisco that values diversity and provides a supportive environment for people with disabilities. Cisco’s commitment to fostering an inclusive future is evident in the various inclusive communities within the organization. One such community is the Connected Disability Action Network (CDAN), which I am an ambassador for. CDAN enables Cisco employees and partners to address inequalities in employment and education for individuals with disabilities.

Another important community within Cisco is the Adult Caregiver Network (ACN), which offers support to employees caring for loved ones who cannot live independently. These communities serve as invaluable resources for navigating caregiving responsibilities and advocating for the rights of individuals with disabilities.

It is crucial to recognize the role of parents in supporting the independence of adults with disabilities and to provide them with the necessary support. By joining inclusive communities like those at Cisco and supporting initiatives like Bitty & Beau Cafe, we can contribute to a more inclusive society where everyone feels valued and accepted.

The talents of individuals with disabilities are often overlooked in a world that does not always cater to their needs. Through awareness and advocacy, we can work towards breaking down systemic barriers and creating a more inclusive environment for all. I invite others to join me in supporting this cause and spreading awareness to foster a more inclusive world together.

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