Preview of Azure Backup for VM: New Agentless Multi-Disk Crash Consistent Backup Feature from Microsoft Azure Update

Preview of Azure Backup for VM: New Agentless Multi-Disk Crash Consistent Backup Feature from Microsoft Azure Update

Azure Virtual Machine Backup now offers support for agentless, failover-consistent backups across multiple disks in public preview. This new feature allows users to back up virtual machines without the need to install extra software like a virtual machine agent or snapshot extension. This is especially helpful for performance-sensitive workloads that can tolerate fail-consistent backups, as it can reduce downtime during the backup process. Additionally, this feature can be used if your operating system does not support application- or filesystem-consistent backups. Configuring an agentless failover-consistent backup is straightforward, simply adjust the Type of consistency setting in the Azure virtual machine backup policy. This feature is available in all Azure public regions. For more information on supported features and configurations, visit the Azure website.

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