Oracle elevates listing to OTCQB with ticker symbol “ORLCF”

Oracle elevates listing to OTCQB with ticker symbol “ORLCF”

Oracle Corporation announced that it has updated its trading listing to the Over the Counter Markets Group’s OTCQB tier under the symbol “ORLCF”. This move comes as Oracle seeks to expand its presence in the market and provide more opportunities for investors to participate in its growth. The OTCQB tier offers increased visibility and transparency for companies trading in the over-the-counter market, making it an attractive option for Oracle as it looks to enhance its market presence.

Oracle Corporation is a global technology company that specializes in providing cloud-based software and services to businesses of all sizes. The company has a strong track record of innovation and has established itself as a leader in the tech industry. By updating its listing to the OTCQB tier, Oracle is signaling its commitment to providing investors with greater access to its stock and increasing transparency around its financial performance.

Investors who are interested in Oracle can now trade its stock under the symbol “ORLCF” on the OTCQB tier. This listing will make it easier for investors to buy and sell Oracle shares, while also providing increased liquidity for the stock. Additionally, Oracle’s move to the OTCQB tier will give it access to a broader base of investors and potentially attract more institutional interest in the company.

Overall, Oracle’s decision to update its listing to the OTCQB tier is a strategic move that aligns with its goals of expanding its market presence and providing more opportunities for investors. By increasing transparency and visibility through this listing, Oracle is positioning itself for sustained growth and success in the future. Investors who are interested in Oracle should consider taking advantage of this updated listing to potentially benefit from the company’s continued growth and innovation.

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