Oracle Academy North America Team Participates in Education Outreach Day at the International Science and Engineering Fair


Academy’s North America team recently attended Educational Outreach Day at the International Science and Engineering Fair. The event took place in Anaheim, California, and provided an opportunity for students to showcase their projects and interact with industry professionals.

The Oracle Academy team was excited to engage with the next generation of scientists and engineers. They participated in various activities, including a hands-on workshop where students had the opportunity to learn more about computer science and technology. The team also had the chance to speak with students about the importance of STEM education and the impact it can have on their future careers.

During the event, Oracle Academy representatives discussed the various resources and programs they offer to support students and educators in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. They highlighted the importance of developing skills in these areas and encouraged students to pursue careers in STEM-related fields.

Overall, the Educational Outreach Day at the International Science and Engineering Fair was a great success for the Oracle Academy team. They were able to connect with students who are passionate about STEM and inspire them to continue pursuing their interests in science and technology.

In addition to attending the event, the Oracle Academy team also took the opportunity to network with other industry professionals and educators. They discussed the latest trends and developments in STEM education and explored potential collaborations with other organizations.

The team left the event feeling inspired and motivated to continue their work in supporting students and educators in the fields of science and technology. They are committed to fostering the next generation of STEM leaders and providing them with the resources and support they need to succeed.

Overall, the Oracle Academy team’s participation in Educational Outreach Day at the International Science and Engineering Fair was a valuable experience. They were able to engage with students, educators, and industry professionals, and showcase the importance of STEM education in today’s world. The team looks forward to future opportunities to connect with the next generation of scientists and engineers and continue their mission of promoting STEM education.

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