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Mosman Council chooses Brisbane’s Codify for migration to Microsoft Azure

Mosman Council chooses Brisbane’s Codify for migration to Microsoft Azure

Brisbane-based cloud services provider Codify recently completed a Microsoft Azure infrastructure modernization project for Mosman Council in Sydney. The council’s outdated on-premise infrastructure was in need of an upgrade, as it was running on unsupported operating systems and lacking disaster recovery capacity. Codify was chosen for the project in November 2023 based on their reputation for building long-term relationships with clients.

Codify successfully deployed a new Azure landing zone and migrated the entire council infrastructure within a three-month period, starting in late November 2023. The partnership between Codify and Mosman Council was praised for its success in utilizing Microsoft’s programs to de-risk the migration project and provide technical and financial support.

In addition to upgrading legacy applications, Codify also addressed the council’s infrastructure issues by upgrading servers running production workloads from Windows Server 2008 R2 to Windows Server 2019 or later. The implementation of Fortinet FortiGate VM virtual firewalls in Azure was also carried out by Codify to enhance threat protection for customer VPNs passing through site-to-site connections.

The FortiGate VM architecture implemented by Codify included full integration with Azure’s software-defined networking infrastructure via Azure Route Server, allowing for dynamic learning between Azure and the council’s LAN and WAN networks as they evolve over time. Mosman Council’s IT services manager, James Qi, praised Codify for their deep application expertise in helping the council get their legacy applications up and running.

Overall, Codify’s partnership with Mosman Council not only addressed the council’s infrastructure modernization needs but also provided valuable knowledge and best practices in cloud technology and infrastructure. Qi expressed appreciation for Codify’s assistance in optimizing cloud techniques that drive immediate value for Mosman Council.

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