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Moody National Bank Trust Division Reduces Stake in IBM Co.

Moody National Bank Trust Division Reduces Stake in IBM Co.

Moody National Bank Trust Division decreased its stake in International Business Machines Co. (IBM) by 1.1% in the first quarter, selling 87 shares and owning 7,807 shares. Other investors also made changes to their positions in IBM, with increases seen in various stakes. IBM’s stock performance has shown a 1-year low of $129.18 and a high of $199.18. The company’s recent quarterly earnings reported an earnings per share of $1.68, surpassing estimates. The company also announced an increased quarterly dividend, showing a growth in the dividend yield. Wall Street analysts have given a mix of ratings for IBM stock, with a consensus rating of “Hold” and a price target of $181.29. IBM operates through various segments providing solutions and services globally.

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