Microsoft releases urgent patch for Windows Server 2019 update issues

Microsoft releases urgent patch for Windows Server 2019 update issues

Microsoft has released an emergency out-of-band (OOB) update for Windows Server 2019 to address a bug that was causing 0x800f0982 errors when attempting to install the May 2024 Patch Tuesday security updates. Systems administrators had reported encountering this error when trying to install the updates, with the issue affecting servers without the English (United States) language pack installed. The error was also reported on servers with the language pack installed.

To address this issue, Microsoft has released the KB5039705 out-of-band (OOB) update for Windows Server 2019. This update specifically resolves errors related to the English (United States) language pack, with Microsoft acknowledging that the installation of the May updates may fail if the language pack is not present. Admins are advised to download and install the OOB updates using Windows Update, WSUS, or the Microsoft Update Catalog to resolve the issue.

After installing the OOB update and restarting the server, Microsoft assures that the May 2024 Patch Tuesday security updates will be able to be installed without encountering any errors. This should help systems administrators ensure that their Windows servers are properly updated and protected against potential security vulnerabilities.

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