Microsoft and Stack Overflow Collaborate to Provide Developer Documentation Support

Microsoft and Stack Overflow Collaborate to Provide Developer Documentation Support

This week, Microsoft and Stack Overflow announced a new partnership to integrate Stack Overflow content into Microsoft’s Documentation API. Stack Overflow is a popular question and answer website for developers, where programmers can seek help with their projects. The collaboration between Microsoft and Stack Overflow is not new, as they have previously worked together on sponsored tags. The launch of Stack Overflow documentation now allows the community to easily create and vote on code samples related to Microsoft products and technologies. Microsoft has published a tour on its announcement blog to provide more information on how this integration will work on In the future, users can expect to see examples from the Stack Overflow community alongside Microsoft documentation and code examples. For more updates, follow Microsoft on Twitter and Google+. If you are interested in attending a technical conference for IT professionals, developers, and devops, consider checking out IT/Development Connections.

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