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“ISI Given Authorization to Monitor All Communications in Pakistan” – Times of India

“ISI Given Authorization to Monitor All Communications in Pakistan” – Times of India

The Pakistani government has recently granted the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) agency the authority to intercept and trace any phone call or message within the country. This new power, sanctioned under Section 54 of Pakistan’s Telecommunication Act of 1996, represents a significant expansion of the surveillance capabilities of the country’s top intelligence agency.

The federal cabinet decision, communicated through SRO 1005(I)2024 dated July 8, 2024, allows ISI officers of grade 18 and above to intercept calls and messages as well as trace communications through any telecommunication system. The Ministry of Information Technology and Telecommunications issued the notice, stating that the move is in the interest of national security and aims to prevent crimes.

The notification specifies that officers designated by the ISI, not below the rank of grade 18, are authorized to intercept calls and messages or trace calls through any communication system as provided under Section 54 of the Act. It also highlights that the Government will have precedence in the telecommunications system over any licensee to safeguard national defense or security against foreign threats.

This decision is believed to be part of the government’s broader efforts to tighten control over social media platforms, which have been utilized by the opposition Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party to communicate with its supporters. Prime Minister Shehbaz approved a bill in May to amend the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA) of 2016, proposing the establishment of a Digital Rights Protection Authority. Additionally, reports suggest that the government is implementing a national firewall at various Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to regulate social media content by blocking unwanted material.

Amidst these actions, the government has also come under scrutiny for blocking the Elon Musk-owned platform X since February. The government defended this move during a hearing in the Sindh High Court on a petition challenging the ban.

PTI leader Omar Ayub Khan has voiced concerns about the government’s actions, cautioning that they could have negative repercussions in the future. He warned that the same surveillance measures being instituted now could be used against current government leaders once they are out of power, leading them to face legal challenges.

In summary, the Pakistani government’s decision to grant the ISI the authority to intercept and trace phone calls and messages represents a significant expansion of surveillance powers in the country. The move is purportedly in the interest of national security and crime prevention, but critics warn of potential misuse and infringement on privacy rights. This decision comes amidst broader efforts to tighten control over social media platforms and regulate online content, raising concerns about freedom of expression and government overreach.

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