Intel Co. (NASDAQ: INTC) Acquired by Global Assets Advisory LLC

Intel Co. (NASDAQ: INTC) Acquired by Global Assets Advisory LLC

Global Assets Advisory LLC recently acquired a new position in Intel Co. during the first quarter, purchasing 100,574 shares of the chip maker valued at approximately $4,442,000. Several other hedge funds and institutional investors have also bought shares of Intel recently, with a total of 64.53% belonging to institutional investors and hedge funds.

Intel shares fell by 1.7% and opened at $30.57 on Tuesday. The company has a market capitalization of $130.14 billion with a 50-day moving average of $31.45 and a 200-day moving average of $39.83. Intel reported quarterly earnings results on April 25th, falling short of analysts’ consensus estimates.

The company recently declared a quarterly dividend and CEO Patrick Gelsinger acquired shares of Intel in several transactions. Wall Street analysts have forecasted growth for the company, with a neutral rating and an average price target of $39.58.

Intel Corporation designs, manufactures, and sells computing and related products and services worldwide. The company’s product portfolio includes central processing units, chipsets, hardware products such as GPUs and FPGAs, and other semiconductor products.

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