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H&R Block partners with Azure OpenAI Service to simplify tax season for American taxpayers | Microsoft Azure Blog

H&R Block partners with Azure OpenAI Service to simplify tax season for American taxpayers | Microsoft Azure Blog

In 2023, the Azure OpenAI service has seen increased usage from AI-first startups like DeepBrain, Perplexity, and SymphonyAI, as well as from the world’s largest enterprises. This use of generative AI has led to innovations such as Microsoft Copilot and “Last Song” by The Beatles, benefiting people globally. Microsoft recently announced that they currently have 53,000 Azure AI customers, with over a third being new to Azure this year.

The Azure OpenAI Service, which became generally available just over a year ago, allows developers and organizations to build AI applications using the latest OpenAI models like GPT-4 Turbo with Vision, Core Model Tuning, and DALL-E 3. New innovations in the service include the Assistants API in preview, text-to-speech capabilities, support for new models, and updates to fine-tune the API.

Major companies like AT&T, Walmart, Financial Ally, and Carmax are among the more than half of Fortune 500 companies currently using Azure OpenAI. Additionally, H&R Block is leveraging Azure’s generative AI capabilities to simplify the tax preparation process for individuals, freelancers, and small business owners this tax season. Their AI Tax Assist experience utilizes Azure OpenAI Service to provide assistance with tax information, preparation, knowledge, and changes.

Other organizations such as AT&T, IA inflection, PwC, Siemens, and Volvo are using Azure AI to enhance customer experiences, streamline processes, and increase efficiency. Azure AI Studio offers a range of models, flexibility, and multimodal capabilities that allow businesses to innovate responsibly across various industries like education, financial services, healthcare, manufacturing, and risk management.

Microsoft’s commitment to responsible AI is evident in Azure’s tools that enable organizations to build AI applications safely and ethically. Azure AI Content Safety helps keep AI-generated content safe and supports the implementation of fairness, privacy, safety, and other responsible AI principles. Organizations, from startups to large enterprises, are utilizing Azure AI Content Safety capabilities in social media, education, and employee engagement scenarios to create better online experiences for users.

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