Google’s legal victory in lawsuit against child privacy app advertising battle

Google’s legal victory in lawsuit against child privacy app advertising battle

A lawsuit against Google accusing the tech giant of violating children’s privacy laws in the US has been allowed to proceed to trial after a judge denied Google’s motion to dismiss the case. The lawsuit, which was filed last year, alleges that Google violated state children’s privacy laws in California, Florida, and New York by allowing apps labeled under the Designed for Families (DFF) program to target children under 13 with ads and collect their data. The lawsuit claims that app developers were incentivized to label children’s apps as suitable for a “mixed audience” to generate revenue from targeted advertising, even if the apps were primarily intended for children. Google argued that the lawsuit was invalid and that the alleged violations took place before the statute of limitations. However, the judge rejected Google’s arguments and allowed the case to proceed. The trial date has not been set yet, and Google has not provided a comment on the matter.

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