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Google Maps for iOS will soon display local service ads

Google Maps for iOS will soon display local service ads

Google is informing advertisers using the Local Services Ads program that their ads will soon show up on Google Maps. The rollout begins with the iOS version of Google Maps and will later expand to other platforms. Advertisers who do not want their ads on Google Maps must turn off LSAs entirely, as there is currently no option to opt out of this feature. Google will use existing ad data and user reviews on Google Maps to create these ads, with billing and pricing remaining the same as current search ads. Disabling LSAs in all searches will prevent them from appearing on Google Maps. The announcement has garnered reactions from industry experts, highlighting the significance of the change and potential benefits for advertisers. It marks a shift from LSA to GBP revisions and aims to address geographic fraud while providing another advertising surface for LSAs. Discussions on forums have raised questions about the implementation of LSAs on Google Maps for iOS.

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