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Google has finished rolling out the June 2024 Spam Update.

Google has finished rolling out the June 2024 Spam Update.

Google has finished its June 2024 spam update, which lasted for a week to target websites violating spam policies. The update started on June 20 and ended on June 27 at 9:10 PDT, as announced on Google’s Search Central Twitter account. It aims to enhance search result quality by combating web spam and improving user experience. This update is separate from the algorithmic update for site reputation abuse, which is yet to be implemented.

The key points of the June 2024 Spam Update include targeting websites violating Google’s spam policies, separate from the upcoming algorithmic update for site reputation abuse, and a one-week implementation process. Google’s spam updates typically focus on eliminating web spam like automatically generated content, bought or sold links, poor-quality content, and deceptive techniques like hidden redirects.

Following Google’s previous spam update in March 2024, AI-generated content still performed well in search results, with some AI spam sites receiving high rankings. The June update aims to enhance Google’s spam detection capabilities and may lead to fluctuations in website search rankings. Websites engaging in spammy practices or heavily relying on AI-generated content might experience decreased search visibility. Conversely, legitimate websites adhering to Google’s guidelines could benefit from reduced competition from spam sites in search results.

SEO professionals and website owners are advised to check their sites for spammy practices and ensure compliance with Google’s Webmaster Guidelines. For further information on the June 2024 spam update and its potential impact, users can refer to Google’s official communication channels, such as the Google Search Central Twitter account and the Google Search Status Dashboard.

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