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GenAI Boosts Productivity Among IBM Software Developers by 30-40%

GenAI Boosts Productivity Among IBM Software Developers by 30-40%

Dinesh Nirmal, the head of IBM Software, is focused on incorporating GenAI into every product IBM creates to increase developer productivity worldwide. Nirmal believes that automation is one of the major advantages of GenAI, leading to optimizations and productivity gains. IBM Software has experienced productivity gains of 30-40 percent in certain software development segments due to the integration of GenAI.

According to Nirmal, integrating GenAI into IBM’s product portfolios and using it to assist developers in writing code has resulted in significant improvements. IBM Software Labs in India, located in various cities such as Ahmedabad, Kochi, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Pune, are actively incorporating GenAI into their work. Nirmal highlights the use of GenAI in automation products in Kochi and security products in Ahmedabad as examples of how the technology is being implemented.

While the adoption and implementation of GenAI are low, with less than 10 percent of companies utilizing it in their production environment, Nirmal acknowledges the challenges associated with implementing such advanced technology in enterprises. He emphasizes the need for careful evaluation of different models and the complexity of choosing the right one for a business. IBM has recently launched the GenAI Innovation Center in Kochi to assist enterprises, startups, and partners in exploring and developing generative AI technology.

Nirmal stresses that despite the rapid advancement of technology, it will take time for GenAI to be fully implemented in enterprises due to various factors that businesses need to consider. The GenAI Innovation Center aims to provide organizations with access to IBM experts and technologies to help them navigate and accelerate the adoption of enterprise-grade AI solutions. The center will support organizations in moving from experimenting with AI to successfully integrating it into their operations for added business value.

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