Gartner predicts Bare Metal’s resurgence due to high VMware prices

Gartner predicts Bare Metal’s resurgence due to high VMware prices

The analyst firm Gartner has released its 2024 Hype Cycle for data center infrastructure technologies, which includes the concept of devirtualization as a potential area of growth due to changes in Broadcom’s licensing. This shift away from traditional virtualization models is driven by increasing costs and the lack of cost savings for large workloads.

Devirtualization, or physical-to-virtual migration, is seen as a promising but complex approach to improve resilience in data center environments. Gartner predicts that it will take five to ten years for this technology to reach maturity and widespread adoption.

On the other hand, migration to new hypervisors, known as revirtualization, is described as a technology that has already reached peak enthusiasm and is applicable to five to twenty percent of enterprises. VMware‘s licensing changes are highlighted as a driving factor in this trend.

Other emerging technologies mentioned in the Hype Cycle include new storage technologies like MRAM and ReRAM, connecting digital twins for testing network changes, off-grid power supply for data centers, and augmented reality for data center maintenance tasks.

Technologies that have already peaked in hype include circular economies in IT, net-zero data centers, consumption-based models for on-premise and hybrid IT, and liquid cooling. Edge computing, infrastructure automation, and hybrid servers are all declining in terms of industry interest.

Some technical ideas showing promise include immutable infrastructures that never change for improved security and manageability, as well as software-defined infrastructures. Gartner also mentions the potential of technologies like nuclear fusion and small modular nuclear reactors for providing abundant and cheap energy in the future.

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