Eliminate AI Overviews from Google Search

Eliminate AI Overviews from Google Search

As of late, Google has implemented a new feature called AI Summaries, which provides AI-generated responses to certain search queries. While this may seem convenient, it also results in a wall of text appearing before the actual search results, pushing the list of links further down the page. This can be frustrating for users who prefer to conduct their own research, especially considering that Google plans to include ads in these AI summaries in the future.

Despite Google not providing a straightforward way to disable this feature, there are alternative methods to work around it. One effective way is to reconfigure your browser’s default search engine options. Websites like ten blue links offer instructions on how to do this for various platforms such as Chrome on Android, iOS, Windows, and Mac, as well as Firefox on Windows and Mac.

By setting your default search engine URL using specific steps in Chrome, you can eliminate the AI overviews when conducting searches. Another solution involves setting a filter in uBlock Origin, an extension for browsers. By adding a specific filter in the settings menu, users can easily bypass the AI summaries.

Additionally, users can opt to select websites without AI overviews or ads by choosing the “Web” option after performing a search. These methods provide temporary relief from AI search results until Google introduces a direct option to disable the feature.

In essence, while Google’s AI Summaries feature may offer immediate answers to search queries, it can be obstructive for users who prefer a more traditional search experience. By following these alternative methods, users can navigate around the AI summaries and continue their searches without interference.

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