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CVS Australia Launches Vet Oracle Specialist Service for General Practice Vets

CVS Australia Launches Vet Oracle Specialist Service for General Practice Vets

CVS Australia has introduced a new virtual hospital and online digital service called Vet Oracle to provide support to general practice veterinary professionals across Australia. This service, originally launched in the UK five years ago, is led by CVS veterinary diplomats and referring physicians specializing in various disciplines such as cardiology, dentistry, dermatology, and more. The Vet Oracle service offers specialized interpretations and clinical advice to CVS veterinarians working on cases in small animal general practice, with the added benefit of being completely free for all CVS colleagues.

By collaborating with CVS specialists, veterinarians are able to receive training and support to care for their patients in their own practices, offering more choices and better care to owners and pets. The Vet Oracle service aims to enhance the well-being and job satisfaction of veterinarians, with a recent survey showing that 83 percent of participants found the support service to be beneficial.

Sophie Keyte, the Telemedicine Clinical Lead for Vet Oracle, expressed the purpose of the service is to help Australian general practice veterinarians deliver the highest quality care to their patients. With a team of 35 CVS diplomats specializing in various veterinary fields, the service offers specific advice on different cases encountered by general practice veterinarians. This additional support allows veterinarians to develop their knowledge and experience while dealing with cases in their own practices.

To access the Vet Oracle service, CVS Australia veterinarians simply need to email their names and email addresses to to register as service users on the online portal. The goal of the service is to provide ongoing support and guidance to veterinarians, ensuring they are never alone when faced with challenging cases. This hands-on approach allows veterinarians to learn from specialists and continuously improve their skills in their own practice setting.

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