Cisco Collaborating with Historically Black Colleges for Innovation

Cisco Collaborating with Historically Black Colleges for Innovation

Cisco Systems, Inc. presented an article on 06-26-24 discussing the importance of ensuring that all subsets of the population are not left behind in a future defined by AI, hypersecurity, and constant change. Cisco has expressed a commitment to actively dismantling barriers and creating opportunities for underrepresented communities worldwide, particularly focusing on supporting the Black community and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). In 2020, Cisco pledged $150 million over 5 years for STEM education and technological modernization programs at HBCUs.

Their support goes beyond financial contributions, as they are co-innovating with HBCUs in four critical areas: supporting STEM students, building technological excellence, promoting success before and after graduation, and promoting information exchange and participation. Their collaboration with HBCUs and partner organizations has yielded significant results, including donating $66 million in services and software, completing NIST assessments and technology installations, and launching the Cisco Cyber ​​Academy at Denmark Technical Institute.

By approaching challenges from an ecosystem perspective and engaging with a network of Cisco partners, HBCUs are receiving the support needed to enhance their IT infrastructure, ensure cybersecurity standards compliance, and offer comprehensive cybersecurity training programs. An inspiring success story is highlighted at Denmark Tech, where Cisco’s collaboration has expanded job and educational opportunities, particularly in the cybersecurity field.

The article also discusses the importance of cybersecurity in the age of AI, as the global economy requires millions of cybersecurity experts to ensure digital assets are protected. Denmark Technical College, the 27th HBCU offering Cisco Networking Academy curriculum, is preparing students with job-ready skills in networking, cybersecurity, Python, and data science to meet these demands.

In conclusion, Cisco’s commitment to driving an inclusive future for all is evident in their efforts to support underrepresented communities, particularly the Black community and HBCUs. By co-innovating, donating services and software, and offering cybersecurity training programs, Cisco is working towards closing the digital divide and creating opportunities for individuals to thrive in an increasingly connected world.

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