Broadcom pulls back VMware cloud distribution from AWS – SDxCentral


Broadcom recently made the decision to withdraw VMware cloud distribution from the Amazon Web Services platform. This move comes as a surprise to many in the tech industry, as VMware is a widely-used cloud computing software provider.

The decision to remove VMware cloud distribution from AWS was announced via a statement from Broadcom, but the specific reasoning behind this move was not disclosed. It is unclear what impact this will have on customers who rely on VMware cloud services through AWS.

VMware is known for its cloud computing solutions that help businesses manage their IT infrastructure more efficiently. By pulling their cloud distribution from AWS, Broadcom may be looking to focus on other strategic partnerships or initiatives.

AWS has long been a preferred platform for many cloud providers, due to its scalability and reliability. The absence of VMware cloud distribution on AWS may prompt some customers to explore alternative cloud solutions.

Broadcom’s decision to withdraw VMware cloud distribution from AWS could have implications for both companies. It remains to be seen how this move will impact their relationship, as well as the broader cloud computing market.

This news comes at a time when the tech industry is constantly evolving, with companies looking for new ways to differentiate themselves and stay competitive. The decision to withdraw VMware cloud distribution from AWS may be part of a larger strategy by Broadcom to reposition themselves in the cloud computing landscape.

Overall, this development raises questions about the future of cloud computing partnerships and the potential impact on customers who rely on VMware cloud services through AWS. It will be interesting to see how this decision plays out in the coming months and what it means for the broader cloud computing market.

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