B. Riley Wealth Advisors Inc. Sells Shares of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (NYSE:HPE)

B. Riley Wealth Advisors Inc. Sells Shares of Hewlett Packard Enterprise (NYSE:HPE)

B. Riley Wealth Advisors Inc. decreased its stake in Hewlett Packard Enterprise by 19.5% in the fourth quarter, selling 9,667 shares and owning 39,844 shares valued at $682,000. Other hedge funds also adjusted their positions in the company, with various changes reported. The company’s institutional investors now hold 80.78% of its shares.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise’s stock opened at $20.92, with a market capitalization of $27.19 billion. The company reported earnings of $0.42 per share in the last quarter, surpassing estimates, with a revenue of $7.2 billion. The company also announced a quarterly dividend of $0.13, to be paid on July 18. Analysts have set new price targets, with different ratings and forecasts on the stock’s performance. Insiders have also sold shares recently.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise offers data solutions, operating in six segments across various regions. The company’s performance and strategic moves in the market continue to attract investor attention and analyst ratings.

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