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Amazon Employees: Company Discouraged Taking Action for Abducted Colleague

Amazon Employees: Company Discouraged Taking Action for Abducted Colleague

Amazon has faced criticism for remaining silent on the kidnapping of one of its employees, Sasha Troufanov, in the Gaza Strip. Troufanov, who works for Amazon’s Annapurna Labs division developing artificial intelligence chips, was kidnapped on October 7. Despite internal emails from Amazon Israel addressing the issue, the company has not publicly commented or called for Troufanov’s release. There have been reports of a policy within Amazon discouraging public displays of support for Troufanov, with some employees in a Jewish affinity group being advised not to hang signs showing solidarity with him.

However, despite this policy, Amazon employees in Israel have begun putting up posters and organizing activities to call for Troufanov’s release. Some employees have even worn T-shirts with his photo and the Amazon Prime logo. Troufanov’s family and girlfriend, Sapir Cohen, who was also kidnapped and released by Hamas, have participated in these events. On the other hand, employees in Amazon offices around the world have expressed frustration with the company’s global management’s silence on the matter.

Last November, a protest action was organized at the Amazon Web Services conference in Las Vegas to bring attention to Troufanov’s kidnapping. Activities of employees showing support for Troufanov have been largely ignored by Amazon’s world management, according to reports. Concerns have been raised about Amazon’s response to Troufanov’s kidnapping, with some questioning the company’s priorities in light of its image as a top employer and involvement in social campaigns like Black Lives Matter. The company’s response to the situation has been described as a matter of policy rather than genuine concern for Troufanov’s safety.

Amazon has stated that their focus remains on efforts to bring Troufanov home safely and support his family during this difficult time. The company expressed sympathy for all those affected by the ongoing conflict. The situation has raised questions about Amazon’s handling of the matter and its commitment to its employees’ well-being. The lack of public statements and actions from Amazon’s top management has sparked criticism and raised concerns about the company’s response to such a serious situation.

In conclusion, Amazon’s silence on the kidnapping of Sasha Troufanov has brought attention to the company’s approach to employee safety and public relations. The conflicting reports of internal policies, employee actions, and global management’s response highlight the complexity of the situation. The ongoing efforts to bring Troufanov home safely and the support from employees in Israel demonstrate a sense of solidarity within the company. However, questions remain about Amazon’s communication strategy and the handling of such a sensitive issue.

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