Microsoft Azure updates for April 2024: Azure Red Hat OpenShift enhancements

Microsoft Azure updates for April 2024: Azure Red Hat OpenShift enhancements

Azure Red Hat OpenShift (ARO) is a service that offers fully managed OpenShift clusters on demand, with monitoring and joint operation by Microsoft and Red Hat. The latest update to ARO includes several enhancements.

One improvement is ARO support in the Azure Terraform Provider, specifically in the AzureRM Terraform provider. Terraform is a tool for infrastructure-as-code, allowing users to define resources in configuration files that can be versioned, reused, and shared. This update enables users to manage Azure Red Hat OpenShift resources using Terraform.

Another enhancement is the ability to bring your own network security groups (NSGs) to ARO. Users can now attach their own NSGs, which can include both organization-specific security rules and ARO service rules. This feature allows for greater flexibility in defining security parameters for ARO clusters.

The update also introduces Azure Monitor Signals for ARO clusters. Azure Monitor Signals provide insights into the status of ARO cluster resources and allow for integration with Azure Monitor Alerts. This enables users to set up alerts based on signals from their ARO clusters, ensuring proactive monitoring and management.

In addition, ARO now supports new GPU instance types for Day 2 operations. These GPU instance types are specifically designed for tasks that require high computational power, such as machine learning and data processing. The supported GPU instance types include ND96asr_v4, NC24ads_A100_v4, NC48ads_A100_v4, NC96ads_A100_v4, and ND96amsr_A100_v4.

Furthermore, ARO now offers support for the Taiwan region. This expansion provides customers in Taiwan with increased availability and fault tolerance, ensuring a reliable and resilient infrastructure for their ARO clusters.

Overall, the latest update to Azure Red Hat OpenShift brings a range of enhancements aimed at improving the usability, security, and performance of ARO clusters. With support for Terraform management, custom NSGs, Azure Monitor Signals, new GPU instance types, and availability in the Taiwan region, ARO users can benefit from a more streamlined and versatile platform for their containerized applications.

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