Former Amazon Web Services executive named as chief product officer at CoreWeave | ROI-NJ

Former Amazon Web Services executive named as chief product officer at CoreWeave | ROI-NJ

Chetan Kapoor has been appointed as the new chief product officer at CoreWeave, a company based in Roseland that specializes in advanced software for artificial intelligence. Kapoor joins CoreWeave from Amazon Web Services, where he was part of the Compute leadership team and oversaw the Hardware Accelerated Computing business. In his new role, Kapoor will lead a team focused on developing, strategizing, and managing CoreWeave’s range of AI products and services.

CoreWeave has become a key player in the AI industry, with top laboratories and customers such as MistralAI, Replicate, and NovelAI utilizing its AI Cloud services to create, train, and launch their GenAI applications. Michael Intrator, the co-founder and CEO of CoreWeave, expressed his confidence in Kapoor’s abilities to drive product strategy in this period of rapid growth. He emphasized Kapoor’s extensive experience and innovative thinking as valuable assets for the company’s advancement as an ‘AI Hyperscaler’.

Kapoor himself shared his enthusiasm about joining CoreWeave at a pivotal moment for both the company and the AI sector. He highlighted the current wave of AI innovation and CoreWeave’s leading position in providing advanced and scalable cloud solutions to the market. Kapoor looks forward to collaborating with the executive team at CoreWeave as they navigate this transformative phase of growth.

Overall, Kapoor’s appointment as chief product officer at CoreWeave signifies the company’s commitment to staying at the forefront of AI technology and offering cutting-edge solutions to its customers. His background in leading teams and driving innovation in the AI sector positions him well to contribute to CoreWeave’s success in the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence. By leveraging his experience from Amazon Web Services and embracing CoreWeave’s culture of innovation, Kapoor is set to play a key role in the company’s journey towards becoming a prominent player in the AI industry.

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