Oracle’s Unwavering Support for the LGBTQ+ Community: Pride All Year Round


has long been dedicated to supporting the LGBTQ+ community, and their commitment goes beyond just Pride month. Throughout the year, Oracle actively works to promote diversity, inclusion, and equality for all employees, customers, and partners. 

Oracle’s efforts to support the LGBTQ+ community include providing benefits for same-sex partners, offering gender-neutral restrooms at their offices, and hosting events and trainings to raise awareness and foster allyship. The company also participates in Pride celebrations around the world, where employees are encouraged to show their support and be vocal allies. 

In addition to their internal initiatives, Oracle also works to support the LGBTQ+ community through partnerships with organizations like Out & Equal, GLAAD, and the Trevor Project. These partnerships help Oracle to amplify their impact and reach a wider audience with their message of equality and inclusion. 

One of the key factors driving Oracle’s commitment to the LGBTQ+ community is their belief that diversity and inclusion are essential for business success. By creating a culture where everyone feels welcomed and valued, Oracle is able to attract top talent, retain employees, and foster innovation and creativity within their organization. 

Overall, Oracle’s commitment to the LGBTQ+ community is not just a once-a-year gesture, but an ongoing effort to create a more inclusive and equitable workplace for all. Through their internal initiatives, external partnerships, and active support of Pride celebrations, Oracle is setting an example for other companies to follow in the fight for equality and acceptance for all. 

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