Nutanix’s Green Coding: Boosting Cloud Consumption Dashboards

Nutanix’s Green Coding: Boosting Cloud Consumption Dashboards

In a blog post for Computer Weekly, James Sturrock, director of systems engineering at Nutanix, emphasizes the importance of cloud resource intelligence for application development. He argues for a more formalized approach to cloud power consumption control to benefit users, businesses, and the planet.

Sturrock highlights the lack of detailed control in managing cloud power consumption, pointing out that many enterprise cloud environments are not optimized for efficiency. Nutanix has been developing new capabilities to provide real-time visibility into power consumption, allowing organizations to improve sustainability planning and understand energy utilization across their cloud environment.

The technology industry often talks about ‘insight’ in analytics, but Sturrock believes true insight comes from understanding energy efficiency metrics in relation to IT expenditure planning. He stresses the importance of actively monitoring power metrics to help organizations meet their environmental goals.

According to Sturrock, modernizing IT infrastructure requires platform-level technology capable of holistic management and control. Organizations struggle to measure and plan energy use across their complex IT estates, making it challenging to access data and insights to inform resource usage.

By visualizing real-time power usage metrics and historical data, IT practitioners can balance performance with energy efficiency. Technologies like virtualization and hyperconverged infrastructure can reduce energy consumption and carbon emissions compared to traditional systems, leading to a significant decrease in physical footprint and energy consumption.

Overall, Sturrock believes that cleaner technology is essential for reducing environmental impact. Green computing begins with application code, infrastructure, and user behavior. By simplifying power consumption measurement and reducing energy usage, organizations can minimize their environmental footprint. It’s time to prioritize sustainability and clean up our cloud services for a greener future.

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