A clandestine US underwater drone resembling a Manta Ray was sighted on Google Maps before being taken down: Take a closer look

A clandestine US underwater drone resembling a Manta Ray was sighted on Google Maps before being taken down: Take a closer look

A top-secret autonomous submarine designed by the US Navy for extended underwater missions, known as the ‘Manta Ray,’ was recently uncovered by Google Maps users exploring the coasts near the San Diego Naval Base. The next-generation submarine, developed by Northrop Grumman, was spotted at the Port Hueneme Naval Base in California. The Manta Ray submarine is named after the sea creature due to its sleek design and ability to operate in low-power mode deep underwater. It is part of a US Navy initiative to develop long-range underwater weapons through unmanned underwater vessels (UUVs).

The Manta Ray is an advanced underwater drone capable of long-term hibernation at the bottom of the sea without refueling. DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, completed field tests of the drone, demonstrating its hydrodynamic performance at sea. The vessel’s modular design includes multiple payload bays to accommodate different naval mission sets, and it can be disassembled and transported in standard shipping containers for easy deployment without specialized port facilities.

The US Navy’s focus on developing drone technology is believed to be a response to potential undersea threats from countries like Russia and China, which have advanced underwater drones with significant capabilities. The Manta Ray’s unique capabilities, such as modular transportation and deployment, provide advantages in countering such threats. The US Navy aims to enhance its capabilities without disrupting current operations by deploying independent unmanned vessels like the Manta Ray.

Dr. Kyle Woerner, the director of the Manta Ray program at DARPA, expressed confidence in the drone’s readiness for real-world operations after successful testing off the coast of Southern California. The Manta Ray’s efficient performance and unique design features make it a valuable asset for the US Navy in underwater operations.

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