Central Tibetan Administration Seeks Blessings from State Oracle Nechung

Central Tibetan Administration Seeks Blessings from State Oracle Nechung

The Central Tibetan Administration held a ceremony at Thekchen Chöling Tsuglagkhang on June 19, 2024, where they invoked Nechung, the state oracle, to offer obeisance. Among the attendees were Tibetan leadership figures such as Commissioner of Justice Tenzin Lung, President Khenpo Sonam Tenphel, Sikyong Penpa Tsering, Vice President Dolma Tsering, Security Kalon Gyari Dolma, and DIIR Kalon Norzin Dolma. Also present were Commissioner for Elections and Public Services Wangdu Tsering Pesur and members of the Standing Committee of the Tibetan Parliament, along with various secretaries, senior officials, and staff from different departments and bodies.

In addition, a high-level delegation from the United States, including Rep. Michael McCaul, Rep. Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks, Rep. Gregory Meeks, Rep. Nicole Malliotakis, Rep. Jim McGovern, and Rep. Ami Bera attended the ceremony. Rep. Michael McCaul is the chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, while Rep. Nancy Pelosi is the Speaker Emeritus. Rep. Mariannette Miller-Meeks serves on the House Veterans Affairs Committee, and Rep. Gregory Meeks is the ranking member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee. Rep. Nicole Malliotakis is a member of the House Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Jim McGovern serves on the House Rules Committee, and Rep. Ami Bera is part of the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

The ceremony symbolizes the Tibetan Administration’s reverence and respect for Nechung, who is considered the official oracle of the State. The presence of the United States delegation highlights the international attention and support for Tibetan affairs. The invocation of Nechung is a traditional practice in Tibetan culture, where the oracle is consulted for guidance and advice on important matters.

Overall, the ceremony was a significant event that brought together key figures from the Tibetan leadership and a delegation from the United States. The act of invoking Nechung underscores the importance of tradition and spirituality in Tibetan governance, while also signaling the ongoing support and solidarity from the international community.

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